Clay Whistles

I spent much of my Student Teaching experience making Clay Whistles with my students on a variety of grade levels.  Students really enjoy this project because at the end they all have their own functioning whistle.  Student really get involved with this project and show a lot of enthusiasm during the process of making the whistles. 

I do highly recommend that the teacher master the technique of making the whistle mechanism before attempting to teach it to any students. 

-Tasha McKelvey

Note: These lesson plans pertain to the Virginia Standards of Learning for 5th Grade & Art I for Visual Arts, but are easily adapted to other grade levels and curriculum standards.


Downloads are currently unavailable due to a tech issue, my apologies!

Whistle Construction Visual Aids (Updated 8/2014)

Clay Whistle Full Page Visual Aids.pdf

*New* Clay Whistle Student Handout.pdf

Fish_Whistles.pdf  Short & Sweet Whistle Lesson Plan - 5th Grade

Clay_Whistle_Lesson.pdf - Art I (Crafts, Ceramics) Lesson Plan - High School


(Full Lesson Plan with Analysis - Reduced Image Quality for Quick Download)

Student_HandOut_Whistles.pdf - Student Handout

Whistles.ppt  Clay Whistle Process - Power Point

Whistles.pdf  Clay Whistle Process  - PDF Presentation